This work examines quantum gravity effects on solid-state physics, modifying specific heat in Einstein’s and Debye’s models via the GUP, introducing time dependence in elastic wave dispersion.
Oct 24, 2023
The key points of this project are as follows: Research conducted under the research grant for faculty under IoE Scheme (Number 6031). Investigated Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP) quantization of Electromagnetic (EM) radiation fields. Computed corrections to the Einstein and Debye specific heat model using modified EM quantization, leading to observed changes in the dispersion relation of elastic waves. The work is published in the the paper titled “Effect of quantum gravity on specific heat of solid”
Aug 1, 2022
This thesis explores quantum gravity-induced modifications via the generalized uncertainty principle (GUP), affecting energy levels in various systems and constraining the GUP parameter.
May 1, 2022