Effect of quantum gravity on specific heat of solid

Oct 24, 2023·
Riasat Sheikh
Riasat Sheikh
Bhabani Prasad Mandal
· 1 min read
All possible theories of quantum gravity suggest the existence of a minimal length. As a consequence, the usual Heisenberg uncertainty principle (HUP) is replaced by a more general uncertainty principle known as the generalized uncertainty principle (GUP). The dynamics of all quantum mechanical system gets modified due to GUP. In this work, we consider both Einstein’s and Debye’s models to find the quantum gravity effect on the specific heat of solids. GUP modified specific heat in Einstein’s model shows usual exponential dominance at low temperatures. Further, the modification to Debye’s specific heat is calculated by considering the GUP modified dispersion relation, which becomes time dependent for elastic waves.
The European Physical Journal Plus

This paper is an outcome of the research project titled Gravity, Minimal Length and Quantum Phenomena